Said no one ever!

And yet, just after the holidays we see a spike in divorce filings.  Maybe it’s because couples don’t want to tarnish holiday memories with talk of divorce.  Maybe it’s more about starting the new year fresh.  But whatever the reason, there’s a definite uptick in the number of filings, which peaks a few months later.

If divorce is part of your New Year’s Resolution, there are some important things you can do now to prepare mentally, emotionally and financially to navigate this difficult process. mentions these Positive Steps You Can Take Now:

  • Seek divorce advice as soon as possible, from an attorney, mediator, and/or financial planner
  • Begin financial preparations immediately
  • Take care of yourself by talking to a neutral party such as a therapist, a family counselor, or a close personal friend (if they can remain neutral).

The Divorce Preparation Checklist published by offers these additional practical steps:

  • Change your passwords
  • Get a PO box
  • Start putting money aside

Click here to read the entire article: Divorce Preparation Checklist – 12 Non-Negotiable Components

Divorce is an emotional process, no matter what time of year, and can be especially difficult just after the holidays. An experienced divorce attorney can be a trusted ally and help you plan for and execute an equitable divorce.

Call McMurdie Law today to schedule a consultation: 480-777-5500