We are in the middle of August and the count down to the holiday season is here. Has your co-parenting been smooth or rocky this year?  Take the time now to reflect and let go of what you can and address what you can with your co-parent in advance of the year-end holiday season.

Successful co-parenting relies on good communication, upholding your arrangements and allowing the other parent’s unique parenting style.  Your intention is important in how you deal with them…are you still upset underneath it all?

This article on liveabout.com describes 10 Co-parenting Styles … With Tips to Fix What Isn’t Working. Even the best-intentioned co-parents sometimes clash, but utilizing a parenting coach or mediator with coaching training can assist you in better approaches in person and more effective email communication.

Consider these 7 “Don’ts” to avoid when co-parenting, outlined in this article: Cooperative Co-Parenting: Keys To Making It Work (click to read the full article). Pretty obvious if you go take a look….like the first one:

Don’t deny your child personal time with both of their parents.

Now how about some “Dos”!:

  • Do obtain ongoing counsel from a mediator/professional coach like me who can guide the divorce/post divorce to effective outcomes
  • Do communicate more often in all ways. Making and communicating plans in advance keeps your ex in the loop and gives you plenty of time for mediation should disagreements arise.
  • Do always remember to put your children’s interests first when planning your time together. This helps keep them engaged and creates memorable experiences with each parent.
  • Do be willing to be flexible. Many holidays fall on fixed days that might not fit into the normal co-parenting schedule. The highest goal is to create positive experiences for your kids, and especially if you ask for extra or off-schedule time.

If you need help reviewing and discussing your own parenting plan or think mediation could resolve your challenging co-parenting dynamic, now is the time to act.  Call (480) 777-5500 to schedule a consultation.